Thursday, July 25, 2013

10 Steps to Launching a Green Business

In the summer of 1989 I was taking a subway home with some friends that I co-founded an environmental non-profit with here in Brooklyn. I remember complaining about how tired I was of having to search and buy eco products in mail order catalogs (this was pre-internet days).
Basic eco-products like toilet paper made from recycled and non-chlorine bleached paper.
Back then there were no stores in NYC that sold it. In order to get it, you had to buy a case via mail order. A case of 96 rolls.
I remember complaining, "What am I going to do with 96 rolls of toilet paper in my small apartment!"
And that is when it hit me. What about having a retail store that screened all its products for their environmental impact? The task of researching and learning about the environmental (and social) issues that go into making products can overwhelm most customers.
I asked them, "So what if we created a store that did that for the customer? And you did not need to buy 96 rolls of something to get it."
At the age of 25, that was the beginning of Earth General, which opened two years later in 1991.
Within six years Earth General grew to being one of the largest environmental retail stores in the country with over 3,000 products all screened for their environmental impact. Things like organic cotton clothing, natural body care, green cleaning products, recycled office supplies and stationery, all natural gardening products and so on.
Yet while our stores were popular in New York City, the concept was a bit ahead of its time and my investors and I closed them in 1998. Today, 10 years later, they would probably do quite well.
In fact today, most things (authentically) "going green" are looking very promising. For example, one of the mainstream issues on everyone's mind is energy. And of the many things being developed in the energy sector, one segment to really watch in the very short term is nanotechnology.
If you are not familiar with nanotechnology, you need to be, as it looks likely to be dramatically changing our lives within the next couple of years.
According the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. It is all about building things and using materials at a very small level. From this things like new, lighter, yet sturdier materials can be built.
For example, imagine cars made from materials as light as plastic, yet sturdier than steel. Lighter materials in our automobiles mean more energy efficiency, which in turn means more miles per gallon.
For more about this as well as a sense of the many, many applications currently being researched in nanotechnology, read "GreenBiz" recent article, Sweating the Small Stuff: A Market Opportunity.
Still need convincing that going green is a wise choice? On May 12th, The Wall Street Journal published an excellent story, Does Being Ethical Pay?
While the authors found consumers would be willing to pay a premium for ethical products, they also found consumers would also punish an unethical company... to a much greater degree (by only buying that company's products at a steep discount.)
Perhaps it's time for you to consider ramping up your green factor?
10 Steps to Determining Your Green Product / Service:
1. Pick your passion- what about the environment are you most passionate about? What do you notice really "burns your bacon"? For help, refer to January 30th's Power Boost: Top 10 Business Issues into Environmental Opportunities.
2. Define your target-who is your market? What customer base are you most comfortable serving?
3. Get in their head-what is the need of that customer base? What are their pains? Remember to relate this to what you are most passionate about in the environment (remember my frustration that created Earth General?)
4. Relief is on the way!-what is your solution to your target market's pain and to their needs? Especially if they do not even know they have it! Be clear as possible on this one. Make it really stand out.
5. Support is the key-who is on your team? What expertise do you need and who will have it? What are these people's motivations for working with you (hint: your vision on where you would like to take your business.)
6. Name the players-who is your competition? How are you better and/or different? How can you authentically show your strengths over them? No competition, then your product/service niche is too small!
7. Be a hurdle jumper-what are the barriers to entry for competition to join you down the road? Is it difficult to gain entry? If not, how can you make it difficult or how will you retain customer loyalty (hint: focus on the green/social impact of what you do!)
8. Keep clearing those hurdles-how to keep in front of the barriers to entry. As the market continues to develop, what new, cool, authentic green (and social) components can you add to the mix? Stay ahead of the pack. Stay on top of your market research.
9. It's all in the girth-and how scalable your product/service is. Compare it with how big you want to go with this idea. Look to balance the two. It's OK if you want to stay small, just get clear before you take off.
10. Review your passion-how do you feel about your product/service? If you feel something is off, you must address it before moving forward. If not, it will bite you in the butt later. Don't step over this. Find solutions to what is keeping you from really playing full out.
Once you've worked through these 10 steps, you should be ready to rock. I'd love to hear what cool, unreasonable green business you're ready to launch.
Action Steps for the Week:
Whether you're working for the man or the man is working for you, it might behoove you to examine your green business game plan.
If you have one, review it again and see what of the 10 steps (from above) might need some refining. And if you're new to the subject, really take inventory on how and what to implement into your business.

Tips and Ideas on How to Decorate Your Office Space

Your office is the place where you spend a lot of your time, and many people consider their offices to be a home away from home. What this means is that in order for you to feel comfortable in your office space, you should find an office that suits you perfectly, and then decorate it according to your own taste and needs. For example, if you need to rent office space in New York City, and you are not sure how to pick an office, just go with your hunch and choose the office that provokes the best feelings in you. After this, you will need to start thinking about how you will decorate your office space, and here we will give you some great tips and ideas on how you can do this quickly and easily.
Reaching the Perfect Balance between Home and Office
If you want to feel great in your office, you will have to make it resemble your home. However, many people go too far and end up with an office that doesn't look at all professional. So, it is important to find a good balance between that comfort you have in your home and the level of professionalism you have to maintain in your office.
Light Brings Success and Productivity
If you do a simple online search, you will see that all the offices designed by well known architects are very well-lit. Also, you have probably seen those movies with big offices looking down on city lights, and all of these offices have very big windows, or even walls made from glass. Natural light is the key in decorating your office, and you should keep this in mind at all times!
Add Plants to Bring Life
Plants will not only bring more oxygen to your office space, but they will also bring the green color. This color is responsible for making you feel better, as well as for resting your eyes. If you have enough space and enough life, having a few plants around your office is a very good idea.
Enhance Your Office Walls
Most offices have four walls, and out of these four walls, two will probably be bare when you move in. Typically, one wall will be occupied by windows, and another will be occupied either by your desk, or by some other furniture. However, you will in most cases be able to enhance the two bare walls, as well as the one that is somewhat occupied by furniture. So, you should first think about painting your walls, and then you should invest some money in a few pictures, or even a framed company logo.
Comfortable Furniture
Finally, you should make sure to buy furniture that is comfortable enough for you. Remember that you will be spending a good part of every working day in your work chair, so do not try to save money when shopping for office furniture. Also, by not saving up on your office furniture, you are sending your clients a message that you are a serious businessman.

Innovative Interior Design Ideas For Your Home Remodeling Project

Are you all set to launch your home remodeling project? Here are 10 interior design ideas to expand your horizons and help you on your quest.
Color Me Beautiful
Break out of the white, off-white, and beige, and let some color in your life (and on your walls)! Hit Designer Dave Bromstad, winner of HGTV Design Star and host of HGTV's new show, Color Splash, is big on color. "I think brown is a great color because it looks great in a lot of combinations: brown and yellow, brown and blue, brown and orange. It's been hot for the last five years and will continue to be hot. Whites and blues are also big, and you can make a big impact with reds and oranges," says the rising star. But he also cautions to not be too matchy-matchy. If you decide to go for red walls, there is no need for a red comforter on your bed!
Rock the Casbah
Moroccan design is welcoming, warm, inexpensive and relatively easy to pull together, all wonderful traits for those interested in Moroccan-style home decorating. "Moroccan styles are timeless," says interior designer Vanessa De Vargas. Morocco is known for its handmade works like carved doors and columns, hand-woven carpets, intricately painted tiles, lanterns, leather goods and silver tea sets. The color palette is warm yet cool. Earth tones combined with various shades of blue and pink are common, as are texture and pattern.
A modernized version of Moroccan style is popular in the U.S. because it successfully takes classic Moroccan-design motifs, materials and styles and gives them a fresh spin. Traditional Moroccan design is heavier and more ornate.
Back to Nature
Use Indoor plants to bring nature into your home!
During the 1970s, there was a new appreciation for the great outdoors. Consequently interior decorating incorporated macramé, redwood and anything in shades of oatmeal, green or brown. In keeping with the back-to-nature movement, homeowners did what they could to bring the outdoors in. Although the days of green and brown printed wallpaper are long gone (or so we hope), plants and flowering plants are still the rage in interior design.
Wallpaper is Back!
Wallpaper has been getting some really bad press in the past few years, while solid colors and wall patterns were hip and in. It seems like wallpaper is coming back, bigger and better than ever! Traditional block printed 'paper' wallpaper isn't the only option. Fabric wallpaper is also available and will add a luxurious touch to any room. Other materials include those with a metallic luster and paper that gives the appearance of silk.
According to Karen Beauchamp from Cole & Son, we are exploring new ways to use wallpaper. Here are some suggestions on how to bring more patterns into your surroundings:
* Cover only one wall (its trendy, and you can be more adventurous).
Putting wallpaper on panels can be a great color addition to doors and cabinets. Choose the scale of the pattern carefully though: if the space is too small and the scale too large, the pattern will get lost.
* For the really adventurous, add a twist on tradition by wallpapering a ceiling. This works particularly well with high ceilings, such as those in period properties.
Everyone Feng Shui!
Take the mystical out of Feng Shui design and learn its practical uses. Decorating using these principles will help you create a simple, balanced living environment. Real Feng Shui is extraordinarily specific, and complex. The only way to do real Feng Shui is either to become a student of this art, and painstakingly learn the many principals and subtleties it requires, or to hire a professional to do an analysis and work over of your home. However, Feng Shui does teach us something that is very useful when decorating your home.
* Color: Pay attention to how colors make you feel. Color is known to have an enormous effect of people's moods and energy levels, however it is also very individual. You may be the type of person who is comfortable in dark colors, while other people may find it depressing. Colors also affect the nature of interactions, and when you enter a new space you should always pay attention to the way people behave to one another. If there is a room in your home where people tend to get into arguments, reassess the colors in that room. Bright or extreme colors can irritate people's eyes and increase their metabolism, making them more likely to fight. Darker rooms can put people in a bad mood and make them lethargic.
* Flow: In traditional Feng Shui, the goal is to maximize the flow of positive chi in an area. While you will probably not be able to detect the essence of the energy of a space, you can increase the feeling of flow in a room by paying attention to the way people and objects move through the space. The flow you want to achieve is in the essence of the room. You want there to be easy access for people moving through the room, as well as in and out of it. You want objects to be able to move from their storage, into use, and back without adding to clutter. This kind of flow is a mixture of organization and design that focuses on removing blockages and allowing easy movement through every area.
Island Fantasies
Whether you make yearly pilgrimages to the white-sand beaches of the tropics or merely travel via daydreams, interiors inspired by the ocean, sand, and gentle sea breezes bring the feeling home. Simply designed rooms, filled with light and fresh air, enchant the senses and have the ability to transport you to another headspace. Think of it as an exotic take on spring cleaning.
Imperial Beds
The Four-Poster bed is a timeless piece in any bedroom design. To avoid being heavy, new four-poster beds have thin posts, and are airy enough to be considered modern. Since four-poster beds are the most romantic of beds, a romantic design, soft, comfortable, and inviting, is highly recommended to accompany this fantastic traditional bed.
Classic White
The purpose of creating a white monochrome elegant space is to feel peaceful, serene and sophisticated. In a white on white room, you have more freedom to do things differently. "Clutter is kept away, everything should be hidden," says Ammie Kim, a Beverly Hills designer. All unnecessary items or things with colors should be moved. It's a very sophisticated and minimal look.
Kitchen Freestyle
Because we're spending more and more time in our kitchens and baths, there is a move away from the all-or-nothing "fitted" look of continuous counters. Look for more freestanding pieces of furniture or features with furniture-like qualities. These details won't be fussy but will further the notion that the kitchen is a room to be lived in.
Country Living in the City
Do you miss the open spaces, the country roads, and the peace and quiet that comes from being away from New York for more than a week? Why not transform your city apartment and go country? Combine the best of city sophistication and country rustic, and see how much nicer it feels to eat in that dining room you never use!

Top Ten Dinner Restaurants in New York City to Go With Friends

New York City offers you some of the best restaurants in the world. You get the priciest as well as the cheapest meals in the NYC. The restaurants in NYC remain open all the time were you can enjoy with your friends. You can stay out and relish your food late at night as having dinner early may sound strange, unless you have some other plan.
The Celebs keep visiting some of these best restaurants in NYC as these restaurants serve the finest cuisine and is the best hang out place. Some of such restaurants are:
Buddha Bar: From the moment you enter, you will be delighted. The help, the décor, the services and most significantly the food are excellent. It can be the best place to be with friends.
Gramercy Tavern: The Tavern can be the finest place to meander late at night. The awesome food, comfortable services and the great martinis can be the best restaurant to have dinner with friends. The mouthwatering pork with the implausible parsley sauce is the best cuisine served their.
Sapa: If your friend circle demands fun and noise, Sapa can be the best restaurant in New York City to visit. The dinning room is always crammed with fresh flowers. The steak frites offered by this restaurant is an unforgettable cuisine.
Lattanzi: This is a classy restaurant that serves food very similar to the home made stuff. It is always very crowded, so it's advisable to book your table well in advance in order to avoid last minute hassle. The décor is awesome with high quality food.
Tao: It is an excellent restaurant for the people who love sea food. The drinks served are among the best and selected ones from all over the world. The desserts like giant cookie overflowing with milk chocolate mousses can be a real treat.
Few more restaurants like, Ruth Chris Steakhouse, Mr. K's, Ruth Chris Steakhouse, Tavern on the Green and Rosa Mexicano are also very famous. They serve the best cuisine with a perfect atmosphere to relax and enjoy with friends.
New York is blessed with a lot of restaurants that have its own unique style to represent a classic décor and leaves you missing a word as you enjoy the food which is oh, so tasty!

The Top 10 Home Improvements That Could Devalue Your Home

Sometimes, making an improvement to your home could actually hurt you when you try to sell it. Here are the top 10 home improvements that can make your home harder to sell:
1. Kitchen Renovation. Any renovation of a kitchen that is too taste-specific or extreme in design. For example, a kitchen equipped with a restaurant-level stove or multiple refrigerators may not appeal to the buyer who is a simple cook. You want to appeal to the broadest range of buyers when selling a home, and if a buyer thinks they need to spend money re-doing what you've done, they will offer less.
2. Bathroom Renovations. The same can be said for bathroom renovations. Any design that is over the top could detract from the value of the home. It is best to avoid garish sinks, faucets, and tiles. And skip the heart-shaped bathtub!
3. Painting. Painting the walls is a great way to freshen up a space prior to putting your home on the market, but painting with bold colors such as red, orange, purple or even black (I've seen this) is a sure way to turn off a potential buyer. Buyers want to feel like they can move right in and not have to re-paint the walls to match their own tastes and their existing furniture. The same goes for painting the exterior of the home - no bright blues, yellows or greens please!
4. Water Features. Having an in-ground pool, hot tub, waterfall or pond can also devalue a home, as buyers may perceive these as extra maintenance expenses they don't want to incur. Also, buyers with small children may be fearful of these as well. The only exception of an in-ground pool definitely adding value is if the home is an investment property in a resort area where renters find homes with a pool to be more desirable.
5. "Wasted" Square Footage. Taking valuable square footage in a house and using it for a specific, personalized purpose can make the house harder to sell and/or detract from its value, for example, turning a garage into a gym. Also, on the Bravo TV show, Nine By Design, the hosts of the show were trying to sell their NYC townhouse. The ground floor was taken up by a basketball/squash court because the owners liked to play these games. However, most buyers would see this as wasted space and an expensive project ahead to change.
6. Redecorating. Redecorating in a highly taste-specific style, such as Asian, country clutter or extreme modern can turn-off potential buyers. When selling your home, you want to appeal to the broadest range of buyers, so it's important that the furniture and decor is neutral and broadly appealing.
7. Illegal home improvements. Decks, driveways, expansions, etc. not approved by the local town authorities can devalue the home as you will probably be forced to correct the situation prior to selling which could result in something as extreme as actually removing it.
8. Laminated Wood Flooring. Installing laminated wood flooring instead of solid wood in an upscale home can also cause a buyer to think "I've got to rip this out"! Better to refinish existing hardwood floors, if any, or cover floors with new but inexpensive wall-to-wall carpeting.
9. DIY (Do It Yourself) Home Repairs. While needed repairs and maintenance should be done to a home before putting it on the market, doing these yourself could end up costing you money in the end as buyers perceive your shoddy workmanship as something they have to spend money correcting, and therefore offering you a lower price.
10. Gardens and Landscaping. A high-maintenance garden and landscaping could also lower the value of a home. If buyers are not avid gardeners or don't want to spend money watering or on hiring someone to constantly weed, trim and rotate your plantings, this could be a real turn-off.

An Overview on Taxi Driver Jobs in New York City

Taxi driver jobs in the city of New York have been prevalent since more than eight decades using the very popular yellow cab. Those who are looking for employment as taxi drivers in New York City should bear certain factors in mind. Being a taxi driver in the city of New York is not that simple. This profession is a viable option for earning a stable and substantial income even during times of recession since the demand for cabs is always consistent.
Taxi driving is not exactly like any other job. It is more like a business where you have to put in some amount of commitment and dedication. You will require investing somewhere from four hundred to almost a thousand dollars for receiving your driving license for qualifying for a taxi driver's job in New York City.
Getting such a job is not so easy because every yellow cab driver requires passing the exam of New York City and a majority of candidates are not really experts in terms of the topography of this city. Being home to scores of highways and bridges, five boroughs, hundreds of theaters, museums, parks, schools, hospitals, schools, relevant landmarks and a lot more, taxi driving can be quite challenging here.
In order to be best prepared for the test of taxi driver jobs would mean to be well prepared to drive any yellow taxi in New York City. For most potential taxi drivers, especially those of whom have been out of school for a few decades or those coming from other parts of the world or belonging to local suburbs or even different regions of U.S.A, extensive navigation and geography preparation becomes mandatory.
Some popular taxi companies of NYC are New York Water Taxi that provides tourism and commuter services for the entire region of Manhattan and Michelin the Green Guide New York City. There are two major regulatory offices for taxis in NYC.
Every taxi, car and limousine service in NYC is regulated by the Taxi and Limousine Commission - Financial District and the Taxi and Limousine Commission - Long Island City. All complaints about and taxis are reported here. The website NYCabbie is dedicated to taxi drivers of NYC while the site NYC Taxi Cabs provides information resource on NYC taxi service that includes taxi tips and fares.

Best Markets in New York City for Tourists

One of the most important cities in the US, New York City offers tourists looking to shop on a tight budget a large number of market places. Tourists will find plenty of markets in the city, including several flea markets, green markets and heritage markets. Regular shoppers who live in and around New York City flock to these marketplaces along with tourists who frequent these markets for great bargains and memorable shopping experiences.
The five boroughs of New York City - Brooklyn, Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island - have greenmarkets like Bowling Green, City Hall, Lafayette Street, Jackson Heights, Lincoln Hospital and Windsor Terrace where farmers sell fresh fruits, vegetables and other farm produce. Held on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays between 8 am and 6 pm, the Union Square Greenmarket is among the most famous of NYC's greenmarkets. The temporary kiosks of the Union Square Holiday Market held between November 23 and December 24 are an annual attraction.
Other well-known markets include the Whole Foods Market that sells natural and organic products, and Chelsea Market stretching from Ninth to Tenth Avenue and 15th to 16th Street.
At flea markets like Hell's Kitchen Flea Market, Antiques Garage, Brooklyn Flea and Williamsburg Flea Market, one can find second-hand wares ranging from designer clothing to vintage records and high-end furniture, home decor items, beauty products and handmade jewellery.
One of the very best markets and one which tends not to get very much press coverage or is rarely mentioned in tourist literature is Bronx Market. The market is located just inside the Bronx and is quite easily accessible via the subway system and this market is one which provides many excellent bargains.
Some of the permanent indoor markets are also well worth considering and there are dozens scattered throughout New York City. Greenmarket in Union Square is in a great location and this is one of the most popular indoor markets with both locals and tourist visitors to the area. With over 120 fixed traders in the market, you can buy pretty much anything in Greenmarket